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July Aug Sept 2024

Lauren OgrenPresident's Message

Lauren Ogren, LMFT

2024 Marin CAMFT President

As I write this on the summer solstice, I am grateful for the light and the promise of the long summer evenings ahead. Though we are all no longer school kids, eager to leave behind desks and homework in June, summer still creates change in our lives. Whether that’s later starts to the mornings to take our own kids to camp, vacations in the warmer months, or a slowing down of work load due to client vacations and cancelations, we cannot stop the changes that summer brings. I hope to embrace them this year, allowing myself time to relax and enjoy the moment while I have a bit more space in my schedule. I also hope to take this time to focus on building new ventures and relationships.

Here at MCAMFT we are taking this summer hiatus as time to continue to build and better this cohort. As a board we have decided to move forward with a revamping of our backend systems, which for you as members means a much smoother user experience and accessibility in the future. This will look like easier and more user-friendly membership renewals, easier access to our CE offerings, and even the ability to offer asynchronous CE courses to earn CEs at your leisure (finally!). We have already implemented our new email system, which allows members to contact us in a more direct manner by our roles in the organization, through emailing: title @ (example under my signoff below).

MCAMFT is also planning multiple community and in person events to continue to foster the comradery we have in this lovely chapter of CAMFT. Heartfelt thank you to the members and Boardies who attended the Juneteenth celebration in conjunction with EBCAMFT on Saturday, June 22nd, and we are excited to offer another opportunity for community outreach on September 29th at the Folsom Street Faire in San Francisco. We also have two in person networking events coming up, one in August in Southern Marin and then our always fabulous Fall Celebration in October. Connection is the foundation of our profession, and we are so happy to be supporting more connection with our members, whether that is through the virtual experience or in person.

Hope you all have a chance this summer to enjoy a light filled evening of connection and joy.


Lauren Ogren
President, Marin CAMFT

Marin CAMFT at Richmond Juneteenth 

We wanted to extend our sincere appreciation for those of you who came out for the Juneteenth Festival in Richmond two weeks ago, to show support for our neighboring communities--especially the Richmond BIPOC community. Thank you to board members Ryan Plumb, Rachel Barr, Norman Hering, and Liz Clark, and Marin CAMFT members Debbie DueƱas, Catherine MacGillivray and her daughter, Janet Monks, and Suzanne Alfandari for showing up and working hard to make our presence at this event a success.

Marin CAMFT collaborated with East Bay CAMFT on participating in this event. We had our own booth with a canopy and banner. Everything featured the Marin CAMFT Therapist Directory.

Marin CAMFT booth with visitors talking to our volunteers at Richmond Juneteenth

Marin CAMFT volunteers at our Juneteenth booth in Richmond

We're also super grateful to EB-CAMFT's Pre-licensed director Tanya Jacobs and DEI director Nauser Wolfe. Tanya introduced us to all kinds of city council members and community organizers to collaborate about access to mental health and counseling services for low-income families. She was a very warm and welcoming presence for us at Marin CAMFT who are new to putting on these types of tabled events in the community. Thank you Tanya and Nauser!

Marin CAMFT is already planning our next community event. Be on the lookout for announcements and sign-ups to staff our table at another festival soon.

A Message from Marketing

Save the dates!

Annual Marin CAMFT Fall Gathering and Member Meeting

Sunday, October 6th, 4-7pm at McInnis Golf and Country Club in San Rafael.

Pic from last year's event

Group photo from Marin CAMFT Fall Celebration 2023

Upcoming Coffee and Networking in Mill Valley

Saturday, August 17th, 10:30am-12:30pm at
Tam Junction Pizza Hacker/Bagel Macher (see it on Google Maps)

Please RSVP if you will be there.

Marin CAMFT Coffee and Networking will be at Tam Junction PizzaHacker/BagelMacher

Overhead map showing location of coffee and networking at Tam Junction PizzaHacker/BagelMacher

Looking Ahead to Fall Programs 

Marin CAMFT takes a break from continuing education programming in July and August. We have many  trainings in the works for the Fall including:

More details will become available in the Events Calendar as they are confirmed.

Did you miss a recent training? Many of our events are available as audio programs in the Marin CAMFT Podcast Library (login required). Recent additions include:

  • Spanglish and the Grammar of Therapy
  • Collaboration with Psychiatrists on Medication Management
  • Gender Affirming Care
  • Brainspotting
  • Family Cut-offs
  • Forgetfulness & Dementia
  • EFT Tapping

If you are a Marin CAMFT member, you can log on at and go to the Members Only section, then choose Podcast Library.

Marin CAMFT members: Want to participate in the Continuing Education Committee, to help your chapter to identify speakers and plan our programming? Meetings are held quarterly. Please reach out to for information on the next one. This is an important function of Marin CAMFT and the CE Committee is always in need of additional support.

3,000-Hour Club

For Students, Trainees, and Associates working towards licensure

The 3000-Hour Club will be starting a Book Club. If you are interested in joining you can see some of the potential books here. To join just send an email to

We will also be looking to host a pre-licensed symposium with food and drink and presenters talking about topics that matter to you. Look forward to more information in the next couple of months.

Pre-licensed members can use the code MARIN25 at checkout for $25 off either MFT Law and Ethics exam prep course or the CA MFT Clinical exam prep course at The Therapist Development Center!

Here are some photos from the Pre-Licensed Plant Party hosted by the 3,000 Hour Club at the end of June.

An assortment of potted succulent plants from the Marin CAMFT Pre-Licensed Plant Party June 2024

4 participants at the Marin CAMFT Pre-Licensed Plant Party June 2024

Membership in Marin CAMFT is free for all pre-licensed associates, trainees and students, and includes opportunities to participate in our 3,000 Hour Club. Contact us to learn more about events and opportunities:


Interested in supporting the local Marin community in the event of disaster or crisis? Come join the Marin CAMFT Trauma Resource Team.

The Trauma Resource Team meets on the third Friday of most months on Zoom. For more information and to RSVP to attend,
please contact TRT Co-Chair Beth Leib at


Planning Ahead: Board Leadership Positions for 2025

Marin CAMFT is looking ahead to our election season, which will happen in November. In preparation, we wanted to plant the seed and ask: Are you interested in participating more actively with your chapter?

The offices of President Elect, Treasurer, Membership Director, and Pre-Licensed Director will be up for election. Some of our current board members in those positions may generously volunteer to continue service for another term. However,  each year we recruit a President Elect, who will serve one year in that role before becoming President the following year.

We are putting the idea out there now in case you might want to consider stepping up for that or one of our other board positions. Interested members curious about  any of the open positions can reach out to President Lauren Ogren at to start the conversation. We will need a candidate statement and photo submitted by mid October in order to prepare the ballot.

We will share more information on these opportunities in the Fall Quarter Marin CAMFT Connections.

Invitation to the Marin CAMFT listserv

The listserv is our chapter's email community. It's a great resource for getting and giving referrals, making connections, learning about office space for rent, and more!

If you are a Marin CAMFT member and want to join the listserv, please send a message to and our listserv moderator will confirm Marin CAMFT membership and subscribe you.

Questions, comments, feedback on this new newsletter format?

Please email Lisa our Newsletter Editor at or just hit "reply" on this message and let us know what you think!


This is a reproduction of the main content from our newsletter that was emailed to all MCAMFT members on July 1, 2024.

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